
Some objectives of the ECHO intervention will be for participants to:

-Be trained in how to be effective in any communication and on how to speak without provoking righteousness in the other person

-Be trained in understanding the true feelings behind their and others’ communication and to communicate that vs react automatically

-Be trained in expressing their feelings in difficult conversations without assigning blame but by taking responsibility for them

-Begin to be self-aware of their unhealthy patterns of communicating

-Be trained in how to bring the best out of people

-Communicate with increased empathy and compassion

-Understand the importance of starting a conversation with the intention of accepting all points of view that are expressed as

valid, even when one does not agree with them

-Be trained in communicating requests vs demands and understand the importance of such a distinction

-Be trained in how to complete any past between the parties and so create a space in which a possibility of a new future can be created and fulfilled,

-Learn techniques that can be used when dealing with difficult communications, so that a person can take anything in without getting emotionally activated and finally, last but most important,

-Learn simple mindfulness practices so that one can develop the ability to first stop when having an emotional reaction so that then one can apply all the communication tools and techniques we will be using.

These skills are important for any community work and for conflict resolution. The general aim of this project is to help individuals with their relationships, work dynamics, social life and conflict resolution. This is beneficial also for bringing people together from different cultures, backgrounds and ages and for empowering people to create new opportunities for themselves and their lives.

It is also very important in resolving family and relationship issues and for creating self-awareness around ways that we communicate that do not work and end up creating mistrust in our relationships.

It also helps to give voice to vulnerable groups, which might find it hard to express difficult emotions and open up about things, since there might be an underlying disbelief in that what they have to say can really be heard in a way that can cause change.

The objectives of ECHO are directly contributing to the priority of improving inclusiveness and accessibility of adult education and promote learning opportunities in all citizens while creating new learning and teaching methods and approaches.