Digital Intervention for Developing Skills in Nonviolent

Check out the interactive games we have created for you to begin practicing mindful non-violent communication

Resources and Interactive Games


The aim of ECHO is to design and implement an effective digital intervention (in the form of a web/mobile application) that focuses on teaching nonviolent communication skills to adults from vulnerable groups and migrant communities. Through digital transformation, ECHO aims to make this training more accessible and available to those who may face barriers to traditional in-person programs.     

Our Partners

Technologos Research and Innovation Services

A group of researchers, scientists and engineers with prior experience from both industry and academia, focusing on the development of digital educational interventions as well as research projects. They specialise in designing and building serious games and simulation models, that include personalisation elements using Machine Learning algorithms.

Wise Academy

 Wise Academy is formed in Sweden by a group of people from Lund University who want to be a part of positive change in the world. The group was founded in 2020 with the purpose of unifying active young people and raising awareness about global issues. Wise Academy promotes the active participation of people by giving them access and the tools to realize their potentials and to provide them support in discovering their path to develop their skills by using non-formal education and intercultural learning methods. By making use of technology, Wise Academy tries to find the best possible solutions and to convert negativity to positivity around the world. Also, Wise Academy strives for expanding the occupation of people, bringing new alternatives for spending their free time, encouraging self-actualizing, creating favorable conditions for people, and sharing Erasmus+ opportunities and outcomes.


Mindfulness for Life is an organization dedicated to transforming people's lives through mindfulness. Their seminars and coaching help people become self-aware, find their true power and become designers of their lives. They have been a Mindfulness Practitioner and Coach since 2010, and since then they have been working with kids, adults, parents and recently businesses towards creating an internal environment of freedom, self-awareness, integrity and towards knowing, being true to and reaching true potential. Mindfulness for Life Organization is created for people to discover their true state of light, genius, and creative being-ness and empower people to live a life of freedom.

 European Network for Holistic Integration

E.N.H.I mission is to stimulate the constructive critical thinking regarding the integration of vulnerable groups, using a bottom-up approach, by developing pilots and good practices in the field of social integration that can stay at the base of programs that will influence public policies and European strategies for social and economic inclusion of vulnerable groups, such as migrants, ethnics, people with disabilities, women and children at risk.
Areas of intervention: Education, Income generating, Wellbeing, European policies, Research


Activity 1:
Transnational Meeting - Kick-off

During the kick-off meeting, the representatives of each partner organisation will be introduced and obtain information about the project, such as its purpose and objectives, scope, work plan, major deliverables, risks, estimated effort and budget, timeline, milestones, and deadlines.

Activity 2:
Collection of User Requirements and Curriculum Design on Nonviolent Communication

The main purposes of this activity are to:
- Design and organise surveys for the collection of the user requirements, including technical requirements.
- Find out which devices/operating systems are more accessible to the target group to ensure maximum accessibility(technical user requirement collection and definition of technical specifications for the intervention's development).
- Design the material and activities that will be offered in the ECHO intervention.

Activity 3:
Development, Integration and Localisation of ECHO Digital Application

This activity involves developing the ECHO digital intervention. According to the type of the material and activities, the team will design concepts, activities and even serious games that will be effective in transmitting the material in an interactive manner. The serious games and activities will be designed with accessibility in mind, including localisation for marginalised groups such as refugees and migrants. User requirements and concepts from the preceding activity will drive the development, and the integration phase will focus on combining the components and activities into a coherent and engaging intervention.

Activity 4:
Transnational Meeting - Pre-Launch Evaluation

The purpose of the meeting is to present, test, and evaluate the intervention. The main objective is to assess the level of achievement of the project's goals and ensure the intervention is ready for public release. By testing and evaluating the intervention within the consortium, the development team can address any issues before participants begin using it.

Activity 5:
ECHO Intervention Launch and Evaluation

This activity involves launching the ECHO digital intervention to participants through online channels and the consortium's target groups and networks, as well as evaluating its effectiveness based on user feedback. After the launch, the target groups associated with ENHI and WA, as well as online participants, will have the opportunity to use the intervention and provide feedback on their experience and its impact on them.